Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Lumber Industry

    Logging at Peninsula  Logging - Horse Drawn Sleigh  

Lumber industry is when production and harvesting of trees uses for several reasons. Such as in the fabrication of telegraph poles and railroad ties, and in building construction, shipbuilding, and furniture manufacture. The lumber industry includes the various businesses that convert trees, or timber, into lumber products. There are other industries that convert timber into pulp and paper, chemicals, or fuel wood.
The million acres of forest was in the way of moving forward. In the  19th and 20th century people thought of the forest as something that needed to be removed in order to develop farms and business. People then just lived off the land by hunting, trapping and raising animals, such as hogs and cattle.
On the coast of the Mississippi Gulf, a few small mills for sawing logs had been built by the 1840’s. These saw mills had to be near bodies of water for the transportation of logs from the ships to the mills. From this the lumber industry began to expand. Who would have thought that the lumber industries would take them so far. Because of the increase of the lumber industry, money was to be made. Many job opportunities came because of the lumber industry.
Thanks to this money making industry and the excessiveness of the industry, the forest is being depleted. This is an environmental problem. This has a strong effect on our natural resources. Our plants and other things of nature depend on the trees for nurture. Also the particle from the trees when they are being process sends pollution into the atmosphere.   
Can we as the people make an effort to help change this situation? Yes!!! It will take some time; of course we all use lumber so much, for our houses, furniture, etc. It may need to be suggested to the lumber industry to be regulated so every organism can live happily together. Recycling is by far one of the greatest ways to save trees.
 Jack ladder from pond               

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