What is the purpose of environmental science? Is this something that we the people need to know? The answer to these questions, YES!!!!! We all need to know. Environmental science is the study of the interactions between humans and the world, or living and non-living. In other words, it is environmental hazards.
What is some environmental hazard that has occurred? Well, we know about pollution, water, oil, global climate change, habitat destruction, air, etc. All of these effect our environment. Agriculture can be a hazard because of the land that is needed. Human’s growth is growing rapidly and in order to provide food the growth, the amount of land is taken. This is affecting the habitats. While taken the land may be good for the humans for food, it hinders other species from growing. Also, the land may be used for houses, parking lots, buildings, etc. All these things contribute to pollution.
In order to survive we must protect the earth. By killing more trees to build and make paper, it also affects the oxygen, since trees give off oxygen. The green earth campaign has been going on for awhile to get people to recycle more and be aware of their waste. This is a way to help protect our environment. B y recycling we conserve both raw materials and energy. This also will reduce the amount of waste that we produce. For this reason it makes since to shop for products that can be recycled. If we would reduce all of our home’s waste; newspapers, cardboards, metal, and glass we can reduce carbon dioxide by 850 pounds a year. That is a huge improvement!!!
Councilor Linda Neal, Leader of South Kesteven District Council, states that, “It is not enough to just recycle. We should ensure that we buy products that are made from recycled materials. Plastic bottles collected from Bourne are supplied to a firm, which produces recycling boxes” (Neal, 2003). Now that we are aware of the importance of our environment lets learn better so that we will do and be better!!!!
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