Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Lumber Industry

    Logging at Peninsula  Logging - Horse Drawn Sleigh  

Lumber industry is when production and harvesting of trees uses for several reasons. Such as in the fabrication of telegraph poles and railroad ties, and in building construction, shipbuilding, and furniture manufacture. The lumber industry includes the various businesses that convert trees, or timber, into lumber products. There are other industries that convert timber into pulp and paper, chemicals, or fuel wood.
The million acres of forest was in the way of moving forward. In the  19th and 20th century people thought of the forest as something that needed to be removed in order to develop farms and business. People then just lived off the land by hunting, trapping and raising animals, such as hogs and cattle.
On the coast of the Mississippi Gulf, a few small mills for sawing logs had been built by the 1840’s. These saw mills had to be near bodies of water for the transportation of logs from the ships to the mills. From this the lumber industry began to expand. Who would have thought that the lumber industries would take them so far. Because of the increase of the lumber industry, money was to be made. Many job opportunities came because of the lumber industry.
Thanks to this money making industry and the excessiveness of the industry, the forest is being depleted. This is an environmental problem. This has a strong effect on our natural resources. Our plants and other things of nature depend on the trees for nurture. Also the particle from the trees when they are being process sends pollution into the atmosphere.   
Can we as the people make an effort to help change this situation? Yes!!! It will take some time; of course we all use lumber so much, for our houses, furniture, etc. It may need to be suggested to the lumber industry to be regulated so every organism can live happily together. Recycling is by far one of the greatest ways to save trees.
 Jack ladder from pond               

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

World Hunger

Today our society is growing. The numbers of people are growing more in developing countries versus developed countries as the United States. As we grow in numbers, this brings about hunger and poverty in the world. One might ask how this is an environmental problem. Well it is a problem because of our population we build more buildings, parking lots, houses, etc, and we also use more land for crops and agriculture. Our food supply is not adding up to the high demand of our population.
            In develop countries as the United States, there is a huge amount of waste or over eating that leads to diseases and obesity, while undeveloped or developing countries have malnutrition and starvation. According to Anup Shah, food scarcity part of the problem in the population debate is an interesting one however, people are hungry not because the population is growing so fast that food is becoming scarce, but because people cannot afford it. Food may be scarce, but it is international trade, economic policies and the control of land that have lead to immense poverty and hunger and therefore less access to food, not food scarcity due to over population (Shah 2010, World Hunger and Poverty).
            Agriculture plays an important role in helping the problem if world hunger. The use of agricultural biotechnology is promising to help with the problem, but the climates are often unfriendly for producing agricultural products effectively. Agricultural biotechnology is simply a science that includes modifying organisms by manipulating, replacing or removing genes (Strickland, How Stuff Works). By modifying different organisms and the process of biotechnology in agriculture, more food can be produce.
            World hunger continues to be a problem that exists in our society and has brought about many debates on how to correct the problem and also why the problem continues to exists. Many people go to bed hungry everyday and this is a problem that is killing millions of people.

Bread Donation - Kabul, Afghanistan 12/2010 : Volunteers helping with the bread donation
Strickland, Jonathan

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Commerial Farming

A large-scale production of crops that is for sale is what they all Commercial Agriculture. Crops that are grown are wheat, maize, tea, coffee, sugarcane, cashew, rubber, banana, and cotton. These are intended for a widespread distribution to wholesaler retail organizations. This is the main purpose of the Commercial Agriculture, for monetary gain.
 According to Douglas County 18, the purpose of the AC-10 commercial agriculture district is to encourage agricultural development through the maximum cultivation and reclamation of lands by restricting incompatible uses within such areas. It is also the purpose to preserve and encourage existing and future agricultural land uses as viable, permanent land uses, and as a significant economic activity within the community (Douglas County18,36).
This helps our environment by giving us organic products. says that, agricultural producers make a positive difference in our environment by enhancing soil quality ( By investing in commercial agricultural it helps with jobs as well as the soil. This is also a great way of training our young to have a trade and they will also learn how to survive and grow their own food and make a living for themselves.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Oil Pollution

How can oil pollute our environment? Oil pollution is one that is not talked about as much as water pollution and air pollution. However it is a problem for our environment. This is a huge problem for humanity today. It is also a danger to animals.
There have been oil spills in the ocean, and because of it animals are dying. When the whales come up to the surface and find that other fish are dying because of the oil that is affecting them. This is a danger to all animals that are in the ocean.  Oil spills can occur when oil is release from tankers, offshore platforms, wells and or drilling rigs. Spills also come from fuel use for gasoline, diesel, ships, bunker fuel and could be just waste oil. When these spills happen, it could take months to clean. Therefore since it takes time for them to clean up the spills, it affects the animals in the ocean.
Photo of tanker oil spill in Prince William Sound, Alaska.

The birds are also affected by the oil spills. When they land on the water, they are caught in the oil and it is hard for them to escape the oil. Also when the birds eat from the ocean, the oil that has infected the fish goes inside the birds and affects their system causing damage to them. Some birds live because a human rescues them in time where they can be helped.
It takes time to clean up oil spills and unfortunately for the animals time is not always on their side.  According to the article from How Stuff Work, agencies like the Coast Guard and the Environmental Protection Agency  have some clever and relatively simple methods (How Stuff Work 2010). These agencies have a protocol that the follow to clean up oil spills. They work as fast as they can to clean up the oil spills. Laws has also been put into effect since the big oil spill happen not long ago, for clean up in the future (2008 Dawn Anderson, Environmental literacy council)  JOHN M. BRODER and TOM ZELLER Jr. May 3, 2010